Three Emily Sandall Camperships Awarded at Camp Menogyn
Three very deserving campers with impressive community service were awarded an Emily Sandall campership towards their trip at YMCA Camp Menogyn this summer.The scholarship application is below.Paul started this fund after his awesome 2008 PCT hike and it has grown with our wonderfully generous Foundation community donations.
We hope that the campers have a wonderful summer at YMCA Menogyn and continue their love for the wilderness and community service.I know Emily would be proud!
History and Background of Campership:
Emily Sandall was a Menogyn guide from 2001-2004. Her passions included wilderness adventures and
humanitarian service. When not leading canoe and backpacking trips she worked with street children and
child laborers in Nepal and Mexico. She saw many opportunities in life to teach, to challenge, to laugh, and
dance, and sing and camp, and especially to help others. She lived simply but passionately. Tragically Emily
died in an accident Nov. 2006, at the age of 25.
The Sandall Family and the Emily Sandall Foundation have established YMCA Camp Menogyn camperships in
Emily’s name in an effort to keep alive her spirit of giving and her love for Menogyn. The scholarship is
designed to help a deserving young person experience a Menogyn wilderness trip. The recipient should
show passion for helping others through some community service work. Emily in her short and remarkable
life always tried to combine wilderness adventure with helping others. Her family hopes to foster that in
others through this scholarship.
It is the Sandall family’s hope that this scholarship stimulates interest in community service and wilderness
exploration in deserving teens over many years.
Emily would love to know that her scholarship helps a teen experience the wilderness. She would also love
to spread the message of the importance of volunteer service- helping those less fortunate by giving them
a voice. Emily’s life work combined her love for the wilderness and humanitarian service with passion and
joy. Please tell us how these values are demonstrated in your life.